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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Health concept

by Unknown  |  in ARTICLES at  8:27 PM

Health concept

INTRODUCTION A. Background In human life where a person has a health and feel good physically and mentally healthy rather a condition that is free from all kinds of illnesses, both physically, mentally, and socially. Healthy is the concept of normality according to accepted standards based on certain criteria, according to gender and the surrounding community. Most healthy people say it is expensive, but is it true about that fact? according to the World Health (WHO), is healthy is expensive, because we have to-consuming meals full of nutrition, will be rich in protein, iron, and others. The term healthy in daily life are often used to argue that anything can work normally. Even inanimate matter such as motor vehicles or machine, if it is functioning normally, then it is often by its owner said that the vehicle is in good health. Most people say if his body feels healthy, fresh and comfortable. Even a doctor will certify their patients healthy and according to the results of the audit

B. Problem
From the above background problems can be formulated as follows: - What is the meaning of healthy according to experts? - How does the range of healthy sick? - What is the health status? - What are the factors that affect health? C. Purpose The purpose of the Healthy Concept Paper are: - Knowledge and understanding of a healthy variety - Knowing range of healthy sick - Know the health status - Know the factors affecting health

DISCUSSION A. Understanding Healthy Healthy is a situation that not only the absence of disease but also covers all aspects of human life which includes the physical, emotional, social and spiritual. Here are some definitions of healthy according to experts: 1. Healthy according to WHO (1927) Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social and not only a state that is free of defects and disease susceptibility. Contains 3 characteristics: - Reflecting the concern of the individual as a human being - Looked healthy in the context of internal and external environment. - Healthy living is defined as a creative and productive 2. Healthy, according to Law No.23 / 1992 Health Challenge Health is a state of the body (physical), mental (spiritual) and enabling social life socially and economically productive. 3. Healthy pursuant napkin's Health is a state of dynamic balance between form and function of the body that can make adjustments so that the body can cope with interference from outside. 4. Healthy by Zaidin Ali (1999) Health is a state of balance between the health status of biological (physical), psychological (mental), social, and spiritual enabling that person live independently and productively 5. Healthy by Pender (1982) Health is the actualization (materialization obtained through the satisfaction of individuals in relation to others, its behavior according to the purpose, competent personal care and necessary adjustments to maintain stability and structural integrity. 6. Draft Health (Travis and Ryan , 1998) - Health is a choice, a choice in determining the health. - Health is a lifestyle, a lifestyle design towards achieving the highest potential for health.

- Health is a process, with the level of consciousness that never broke, health and happiness can happen at any moment, "here and now."
- Healthy efficient in managing energy, energy obtained from the environment, is transferred through the human, and distributed to affect the environment about.
- Healthy integration of body, mind and spirit, appreciation manusialakukan, think, feel and believe it will affect health status.
- Sehat is the acceptance of self. B. Healthy Hospital ranges person's health status is between two poles, the optimal health and death. When we move towards the health status of death we are in the hospital area (Illness area), and when the health status of our move toward healthy then we are in areasehat (Wllness area). Thus, health status is dynamic and change over time. In accordance with the range of healthy-ill health status can be shared in an optimal healthy or less healthy, mild pain or severe pain until natural lives. When an individual is in a healthy area of primary prevention is done (primary prevention), namely the protection of health (health protection) and special protection (Specific protection) to avoid the disease. When people are in pain then do area of secondary and tertiary prevention, with early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, progression of disease prevention and rehabilitation. C. Health Status Health status is a person's health condition in a range of health-illness that is dynamic and is influenced by growth, social cultural, past experience, one's expectations of him, heredity, environment, and service. - Developments - Changes in health status can be determined by in this case the age factor is growth and development. - Social and cultural - change a person's health status is affected by the thoughts and beliefs that may cause changes in health behaviors. - Past experience - Changes in health status can be affected also by past experience. It can be seen if there are any adverse health experiences or experiences of poor health that have a profound impact on subsequent health status. - Hope someone about her -Please represents one important part in improving the health status changes to the optimum. Hope this can result in health status to a higher level both physically and psychologically. - Heredity - Heredity may also influence the health status of a given potent health status changes have been owned by genetic factors.

- Environment - Environmental dimakksud is the physical environment such as environmental sanitation, hygiene, landfill and sewage waste water or household does not meet the health requirements that may affect health behavior that may alter their health status.
- Services - Health care services may be public or service system that can affect the health status. D. Factors Affecting the Health of Individuals Referred to as the factors affecting health status are the factors that influence whether to support or hinder the health-illness condition. There are several factors that influence the health of individuals, namely: 1. Environmental factors influence the health of the environment is huge. This is because the factors that cause disease is influenced by the environment. So important and the influence of the environment on health. 2. Socio-cultural factors, socio-cultural factors are factors both considerable influence on health. Included in these factors are: - Behavior, kebisaaan, and customs - beliefs, worldview, and values ​​- economic, social, livelihood and income - demographics, population density - Education 3. Health facilities that are included in this factor are: - Location, service and close or are known by the public or not - Business information and motivation - Program: does cover all the health needs of the community or not. 4. Descendants Included in these factors are: - Genetics - Body Structure 4

All four of the above factors can support or hinder health, so as to facilitate or complicate the emergence of health-illness, as well as those factors affect each other. CHAPTER III CLOSING A. Conclusion In general, health is a state that is not only to be free of diseases but cover all aspects of human life. Healthy is also influenced by several factors. B. Suggestions After we read the quote above, we as authors of this paper, give suggestions for: - Ourselves - should always maintain personal hygiene, washing hands before eating and keep eating to keep you healthy and avoid illness. - Medical - should health workers wash their hands, wear gloves and take care of the sterility of medical devices to prevent nosocomial infections. - Society - People should always keep the environment clean to avoid spreading the disease. did get the whole patient to function normally.


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