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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Tentang Iman Kepada Malaikat

by Unknown  |  in ARTICLES at  8:29 PM

Belief in angels is the second-faith harmony, so the discussion in this chapter is a continuation of the pillars of faith in God as the first pillars of faith.  Faith in Angels  itself implies that we have to trust and believe wholeheartedly that the Angels were created from light ( nur ) were given the task by God and perform tasks such as command. Indicators of the faithful is to have a strong conviction in his heart that in this universe there are angels and confidence are spoken tongue. Concrete manifestation of faith is evidenced a Muslim in his daily actions.
For those who believe in God, believe it will turn to the angels. This is a logical consequence because Angel is one of his creations that have believed in the existence of the universe.
Angels are God's creation, which comes from the light ( nur ) and continues to serve God and do no evil in him. These angels are creatures of God who always carry out the tasks assigned to them with the utmost devotion, even the angels prostrate to man, in contrast to the devil's order to prostrate humans. This is because Satan was created by God from the fire ( nar ).

As a second pillar of faith, faith in angel has a substrate ( arguments ) in making laws. Among  the arguments  which show the obligation of faith to the Angel, among others:

a. Surah Al-Baqarah 285

It means: "The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. They believe in Allah, His angels, His scriptures and His messengers. (They say): "We make no distinction between one (with the others) from His apostles," and they say: "We hear and we obey." (They prayed): "Forgive us, our Lord, and to Thee is the journeying."

b. QS AT Tahrim 6

O ye who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones; guardian angels of the rough, tough, and do not disobey Allah in what He commands them and always do what they're told.

c. Surah An-Nisa 'verse 136:

It means: "O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His Messenger and the scripture which He hath sent to His Messenger and the scripture which He sent down before. And whoever disbelieves in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, then indeed he has gone astray far away.

d.                   Hadits
خلقت الملآئكت من نور وخلق الجان من مارج من نار وخلق ادم مما وصف لكم (رواه البخاري)
"Angels were created from light and jinn from smokeless fire and Adam was created from what was described to you all." (On the ground). (Muslim and Ayesha).

Angels are God's creation that manifests as evil spirits and the supernatural, and the angel is abstract and immaterial. The number of angels is not limited, but that must be believed amounted to 10, namely:

Angels Name
Dividing fortune
Of death
Scorers good deeds
Registrar ugly deeds
Asker dead
Asker dead
Guardian Fire
Guard heaven


Between man and angel there is a very close relationship.  Both of God's creation was created by God from time immemorial. In addition, between humans and angels there are similarities and differences. Among the similarities of the two entities are:
a. Equally creatures of God
b. Equally obliged to worship God
c. Have the same sense

While the differences between humans and angels are:

Created from the ground
Created from light
No sex
Having a passion
Do not have a lust
It can be seen (rough creature)
It can not be seen (makhluq fine)
His mind is dynamic
His mind is static
Not awake from sin
Awake from sin


Liabilities believe in angels has some very useful lessons for human life. Among the lessons are:
a. Improving human faith in God, because Angel is one of his creations
b. Shaping the soul of a Muslim who truly fear Allah, because faith in God and faith in angels is an integral and inseparable
c. Encourage people to always act carefully, because he realizes that his actions are being monitored by the Angels
d. Encourage people to always increase good deeds, because people are aware that the slightest good act will be recorded by the Angel
e. Refrain man of moral turpitude that would reduce the degree of human dignity and of itself

As a Muslim who has faith in angels, someone will point out some of the behavior that indicates a sense of faith itself. Among the signs of the behavior of people who believe in angels, among others:
a. Acting carefully in the everyday behavior
b. Having a social concern in the life of the community
c. Behavior displayed can be role models for their environment
d. Always trying to improve ourselves from time to time

B. The values ​​of faith to the Angel

1- In Islam drop all previous sins
Among the vast mercy of Allah is His offer to unbelievers and idolaters, if they repent and convert to Islam, then their sins of the past in love. He said,

قل للذين كفروا إن ينتهوا يغفر لهم ماقد سلف وإن يعودوا فقد مضت سنة الأولين

Say to those who disbelieve, 'If they desist (from Unbelief), Allah will forgive the sins of those who have passed away; and if they return, then what happened (to them) sunnah (the ordinance of God) against those formerly. " (Surat al-Anfal / 8: 38).

Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

إذا أسلم العبد فحسن إسلامه كتب الله له كل حسنة كان أزلفها ومحيت عنه كل سيئة كان أزلفها ثم كان بعد ذلك القصاص الحسنة بعشرة أمثالها إلى سبع مائة ضعف والسيئة بمثلها إلا أن يتجاوز الله عز وجل عنها

If a slave converted to Islam, then Islam is good, God wrote all the good she had done, and removed him all the bad things that he never did. Then after that there Qisas (retaliation fair), which is a virtue rewarded ten-fold to 700-fold. The disadvantages are rewarded with the same one, except God Almighty forgive him. (HR Nasai, no. 4998, validated by Sheikh Al-Albanian in the Lineage-Saheehah , no. 247).

He sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said to his companions' Amr bin Al-'Aash wishing to convert to Islam,

أما علمت أن الإسلام يهدم ما كان قبله وأن الهجرة تهدم ما كان قبلها وأن الحج يهدم ما كان قبله

Do you not know that Islam drop (sins) before, and that hijroh drop (sins) before the pilgrimage drop (sins) before. (Reported by Muslim, no. 121).

If so, how generosity Allah Almighty to His servants. Ah, the values ​​of Islam is, and how great is the faith. So, do not let a pawn with a temporary pleasures of this world, because he will lose the true losses.

2- The good life
Allah Ta'ala says,

من عمل صالحا من ذكر أو أنثى وهو مؤمن فلنحيينه حياة طيبة ولنجزينهم أجرهم بأحسن ما كانوا يعملون

Those who do good deeds, whether male or female, being a believer, verily to him will We give a good life, and We will give a reply to them with a better reward than what they did. (Surat an-Nahl / 16: 97)

"This is the promise of God to those who do good deeds, such as charity, which follows the book of Allah Almighty and the Sunnah of His Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam , among men and women of the children of Adam, and his faith in God and His Messenger, and ordered that the charity is prescribed by Allah Ta'ala , that Allah will give him a good life in the world. And Allah will reward you with a reward in the hereafter better than what he had done. And the good life that includes forms of comfort from all sides. As a good honest living, qana'ah , happiness, worship in the world, and practicing obedience with open heart. "( Tafsir Ibn Kathir briefly).

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

قد أفلح من أسلم ورزق كفافا وقنعه الله بما آتاه

It was lucky the man who converted to Islam and he was given ample sustenance, and Allah made ​​it qana'ah (pleased; receiving) with what He has given him . (Reported by Muslim, no. 1054; Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ahmad, from Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al-'As).

In the hadeeth mentioned the surprising things that exist in the state of a believer,

عن صهيب قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عجبا لأمر المؤمن إن أمره كله خير وليس ذاك لأحد إلا للمؤمن إن أصابته سراء شكر فكان خيرا له وإن أصابته ضراء صبر فكان خيرا له

From Suhaib, he said, The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, " It's amazing how the affairs of a believer, in fact its affairs are all good, and it's not something that happens to anyone except a believer. If the fun of it, he was grateful, then it's good for him. If trouble about it, he is patient, then it is better for him. " (Reported by Muslim, no. 2999).

3- Removal of error of accidents in the world and in the hereafter
He said,

فإما يأتينكم مني هدى فمن اتبع هداي فلا يضل ولا يشقى

Then if there comes to you guidance from Me, then whoever follows My guidance, he will not lose his way, nor fall into misery. (Surah Taha / 20: 123).

What is meant by the instructions of God here are the prophets and apostles who lead the scriptural description of Allah Ta'ala . Allah has promised those who believe and follow his guidance, that they will not go astray in the world and would not harm in the afterlife. Have luck more than this? Instead, Allah threatens those who turn away from His guidance to his word,

ومن أعرض عن ذكرى فإن له معيشة ضنكا ونحشره يوم القيامة أعمى {124} قال رب لم حشرتني أعمى وقد كنت بصيرا {125} قال كذلك أتتك ءاياتنا فنسيتها وكذلك اليوم تنسى {126} وكذلك نجزي من أسرف ولم يؤمن بئايات ربه ولعذاب الأخرة أشد وأبقى { 127}

And whosoever turns away from My Message, verily for him is a life narrowed down, and We shall raise him on the Day of Resurrection blind. "
He said, "My Lord, why have you raised me blind when I was able to see." He said, "So, have come to you Our verses, then you forget it, and so (also) on the day you even this is forgotten. "And that is as it We reward those extravagant and does not believe the revelations of his Lord. The torment in the Hereafter is more severe and more lasting. (Surah Taha / 20: 124-127)

C. The appreciation of the values ​​of faith to the Angel
Appreciation FAITH   TO ANGELS
Angels are servants of God. Made of light and always in compliance with Allah's command, in contrast to Satan who is the creature of God, who always rebelled. The jinn and humans are creatures of God who have two possibilities, namely, obedience and disobedience. The jinn and humans are creatures of God who have two possibilities, namely, obedience and disobedience. Among all the creatures of God Swt.yang best, most perfect creation, and the most precious is human, as the word of Allah in Surah al-Isra verse 70 is as follows:
This means:
And indeed, We have honored the children of Adam, and provided them with transport on land and sea, and we have given them for sustenance things good and we preferred them above many of those whom We created with a perfect edge.
In the hadith of Abu Hurairah, the Prophet said:
Angels were created from light, jinn were created from smokeless fire, adam fund created from what was described to you.
Angel is a creature who is always obedient to God's command. Angels were created to worship God. They do not have a partisan passions, thus highly desirable that they have a specific task is not equal to men.
God told the prophet and apostles, God's chosen people. In addition, there are also those who worked to rain, noting the good deeds and bad deeds, etc.
Belief in angels is a must after faith in God. That is kufr someone who claimed to believe in God, but do not believe in angels.
Believers are not only shown their confidence in the liver, and the pronunciation of the word of mouth, but also had to be proved by the appreciation of the day-to-day behavior.
Forms of behavior that reflects the belief in angels is:
1.Meningkatnya faith and devotion
Someone who understands the duties of angels, will be convinced how great and almighty Allah. Who created all creatures, including angels.
2. Increased righteousness
Someone who understands that every human deed will be recorded and be rewarded according to his deeds, will always improve reverence charity.
3. Always be careful
Someone who understands that the angels constantly monitor the actions of man, will always be very careful so as not to get stuck in that crime.
4. Not Arrogant
Someone who understands that every human being will die and enter the sphere of barzah and will be questioned by the angels Munkar and Nakir, do not be arrogant.
5. Be calm and peace in his soul
Someone who understands that every act of human will get a reply from Allah SWT. Will be quiet and peaceful lives. Whatever happens it will be able to take lessons from each incident that happened in his life.


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