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Sunday, September 20, 2015


by Unknown  |  in ARTICLES at  8:25 PM

ANALYSIS: The term socialism or socialist can refer to several things related to ideology or group of ideologies, economic systems, and state. The term began to be used since the early 19th century. In English, the term was first used to refer to pengikutRobert owen in 1827. In France, the term refers to the followers of the doctrine of Saint-Simon. The use of the term socialism is often used in a variety of different contexts by different groups, but almost all agree that the term originated from the industrial unrest of the workers and peasants in the 19th century to the early 20th century, based on the principle of solidarity and the fight for egalitarian society according to which the economic system they can serve the community more than just the elite few. The economic system of socialism is actually quite simple. All aspects of the economy considered as a common good, but not berrarti must focus jointly owned, all aspects of the economy may be privately owned, respectively, provided that can be used for the Socialists, similar to mutual assistance actually. State that adopts include: Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Guyana, Angola, Congo, Myanmar, China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, Ethiopia. Socialists understand where this is private property or property and wealth distribution can be controlled simultaneously or in a community and not by any individual or group. In the case of state communities and private citizens refer to refer to a specific person or group. Of course, this understanding is growing like mushrooms in the rainy season when industrialization in Europe move quickly. This gives rise to what is called the "Working Class", or "working class". In fact they are employed by a "master" in industrial environments where workers are paid low ironically regarded as a production factor, so just the same as the machine, because the machine is called the factors of production from a factory. The working population is getting poorer because they only have a "body" they are to be employed, except that they do not have anything to make themselves have paid (Kapital). While the means of production or stock (Kapital) is owned only by those who employ them. So this group called the Capitalist cap. Socialism is the true believer is always at odds with the true followers of Capitalism.

. Communists

People's Republic of China (PRC) is a communist state comprising nearly all areas of culture, history, and geography. Since its founding in 1949, the PRC has been led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
As a communist country, most of the republic's economy has been privatized since three decades ago. However, the government still watching the political economy mainly with companies owned by the government and the banking sector. Politically, he still remains a one-party government.
With the largest population in the world, more than 1.3 billion people, the majority of the tribes, the Han nationality. In addition, China Mainland is the term used to refer to the area under PRC rule and excluding special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao. PRC also dubbed as 'China Red' as the same area, especially by his enemies in the West, with reference to the color red is a symbol of communism.

2. Cuba
The Republic of Cuba consists of the island of Cuba, Island of Youth and some smaller surrounding islands. Cuba itself is said to derive from a Taino word, Cubanacan.
Compared to Indonesia, Cuba still smaller area of the island of Java. However, Cuba is the world's largest sugar producer after Brazil. Although sugar is a major producer with 85 percent.
In addition, Cuba is a developing country and has a life expectancy and literacy rates are high. The country has a national health system that is responsible for the health of all people. 
In fact, according to the United Nations, Cuba is the only country that meets the definition of World Wide Fund for Environment on sustainable development
3. Vietnam
Vietnam is the easternmost country on the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. Vietnam is bordered by the People's Republic of China to the north, Laos to the northwest, Cambodia to the southwest and to the east lies the South China Sea. 
With a population of about 84 million people, Vietnam is the 13th most populous country in the world. Vietnam even included in the economic group 'Next Eleven'.
4. North Korea
Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a country in East Asia, covering the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. The capital and largest city is Pyongyang. 
After Japan's defeat in World War II, Korea was divided into Soviet occupied territories and the United States. North Korea refused to participate in a UN-supervised election held in the south in 1948, leading to the formation of two separate Korean governments for the two occupation zones. 
In addition, North Korea is also included in the one-party state under the consolidation front led by the Korean Workers' Party , The state government following the Juche ideology, which was initiated by Kim Il-sung, former leader of the country. Juche became the official state ideology when the country adopted a new constitution in 1972. North Korea was viewed by most countries as a totalitarian Stalinist dictatorship. (Angga Yudha Pratomo / / ds).

Fascism is a political movement, oppression, fascism name comes from the word
latin ‗fasces' means the collection of stem attached to an ax, which
symbolized in ancient roman rule. Fascism is an ideology that is built according to the law of the jungle, fascism also aims to make individuals and communities think and act uniformly, to achieve this goal by using force and violence of fascism with all methods of propaganda even genocide (extermination regularly against any group or nation). Fascism as an ideology developed in the 20th century it spread rapidly around the world in World War 1. Government embracing the ideology of fascism with violence brutal dictatorship where power bloodshed and violence become law. Until the end of World War 2 fascist ideology became one of the biggest catastrophes in the history of mankind, which claimed the lives of 55 million people

In the historical development of capitalism is part of liberalism movement that began appearing in 1648 after reaching agreement Westphalia , the agreement that ended the Thirty Years War between Catholics and Protestants in Europe who subsequently stated that their country is an independent system that is based on the sovereignty and reject submission to the the political authority of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church. Since the rules of the game of life separated from the church, on the assumption that the state should know best the needs and interests of its citizens, while religion is acknowledged but limited in church.
Liberalism is growing with the support of rationalism which states that the ratio of men to explain everything in a comprehensive manner which gave birth to the idea that humans alone are entitled to rule their lives and defend human freedom in terms of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the individual and freedom of ownership. Of freedom of ownership is resulting economic system of capitalism, where the capitalization of a pattern that is most prominent in this economic system.
Capitalism is an economic system based on self-interest, where the production and consumption is simply to rake in profit. The capitalist system did not heed social welfare, common interests, joint ownership, or the like. Capitalism is complacency unilateral basis, any gains alias is privately owned.
The simplest example of this capitalist system can be described on the topicality of the United States were convinced that they were a mixed economic system (capitalism and socialism), basically they still can not escape the capitalist elements in practice.


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